ON MT. SHASTA! Mt. Shasta received a little bit of snow at the higher elevations from the last storm. It's not enough yet but looks like more coming over the week! Bunny Flat, Mt. Shasta~ Friday January 12, 2018 Even though it looks pretty low on snow, there is enough to start your snow activity from Bunny Flat. It got its named because it was originally an area where beginner skiers would come and practice their turns. The road up to the Old Ski Bowl is covered with snow. This road is fun to ski, snowshoe or just take a nice walk. Wanna venture off the road for some fun backcountry travel~come a tour! Mt. Shasta forms it's own clouds. Today was no exception! Clouds hovering over the top of Green Butte Ridge also known as Broadway. This is known as very ICY conditions! This is what it was like above tree line today. This is when I turn around! It looks like the weather is going to be sunny for this weekend and then the next storm will be arriving! Here's what the weather will be looking like at Bunny Flat for the next week~http://www.shastaavalanche.org/weather/forecasts/current-bunnyflat Have a great day!
December 2024