This is a great time to explore and enjoy the wildflowers. There are many varieties. Here are a few in bloom right now! The Shasta Lily's latin name is known as Lilium washingtonianum. Lilium is the latin word for this genus, and washingtonianum is for Martha Washington. These grow all around the Mt. Shasta area. Naked Mariposa Lily's latin name is Calochortus nudus. It is endemic to Northern California and grows along the Sisson-Callahan Trail. Mt. Eddy Lupine it's latin name Lupinus lapidicola is a rare species of Lupine and endemic to California. It can be found in the Mt. Eddy area in the Klamath Mountain Range. Hyacinth Brodiaea also known as it's latin name Trileleia huacinthina like to grow in meadows. I saw these along Sisson-Callahan Trail. Beargrass known in latin as Xerophyllum tenax is a very interesting flower. Native peoples made the leaves into capes, baskets and hats. Lewis and Clark had Beargrass rain hats made for their crew. In spring, bears consume the softer, fleshy lease bases; hence the common name reference. Great Blazing Star known in latin as Mentzelia laevicaulis has a very vivacious look to it. It grows down the street where I live. This flower is definitely a gem to see. Many people travel a long ways to see these wildflowers!
There are many wildflowers blooming including the Crimson Columbine, Tiger Lily, Arnicas, Shooting Stars and many more. . Come a guided tour for the best viewing! |